Sex Abuse

Sex abuse is a devastating crime that can leave victims feeling traumatized and helpless. As a Los Angeles County District Attorney, Ted Swanson spent the majority of his 16 years in the Victim Impact Program and Sex Crimes Unit handling sexual assault and abuse cases. Trained in forensic interviewing techniques with children and adults, sexual assault attorney Swanson has a first-hand understanding of the difficulties facing survivors of these crimes. He has stood with countless clients as they have sought justice from their abuser and obtained the assistance they needed to recover from their trauma.

Sexual abuse involves unwanted sexual activities performed without the consent of one of the parties involved. Sex abuse can include:

  • Children who are molested or abused by teachers, staff, or other students at school
  • Children or adults in jail who are sexually assaulted by guards
  • A boss who requests sexual favors from an employee
  • Date rape

Unfortunately, many individuals who are victim to a sexual assault are unsure about their legal options. As an advocate for sex abuse survivors, sex abuse attorney Swanson can obtain and evaluate evidence of criminal sexual assault, discuss the case with the survivor in an empathetic manner that will avoid further trauma, and provide advice on how to proceed. While not all individuals choose to file criminal charges, Mr. Swanson can help advocate in the criminal arena for those who do, while helping survivors obtain compensation from their abusers in the civil sector.

Signs of Sex Abuse

Sex abuse can have different effects on the victim and can cause various physical, emotional, and mental health issues. On their own, these signs and symptoms do not indicate sex abuse. But taken together, they could suggest that someone is experiencing sexual trauma.

  • Sudden and unexplained changes in behavior, mood, or personality
  • Regressive behaviors like thumb-sucking or bed-wetting
  • Fear or avoidance of specific people, places, or activities
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Nightmares or night terrors
  • Engaging in self-harm or risky behaviors, like cutting, promiscuity, or substance abuse
  • Unexplained discomfort or bleeding in the genital or anal areas
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual acts, anatomy, or language
  • Engaging in sexual play with toys or other children
  • Increased stress levels
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Low self-esteem, shame, or guilt
  • Eating disorders
  • Difficulty forming or maintaining relationships
  • Fear of intimacy or physical contact
  • Drop in grades or behavioral problems
  • Change of peer groups or disinterest in social activities
  • Sudden lack of trust in previous confidants

If someone you love is exhibiting these signs or symptoms, you may choose to speak to a trained therapist in order to evaluate your loved one and start the process of communicating with that individual and seeking help.

Obtaining Compensation in a California Sex Abuse Case

Thinking about compensation for sex abuse can be difficult. But perpetrators of these crimes can drastically alter the trajectory of the life of a sexual assault survivor. Many survivors experience physical and emotional trauma that never goes away. In some cases, the perpetrator of the sexual abuse continues to operate in businesses and organizations that should be protecting victims. These institutions are often more concerned about their potential financial liability and negative publicity than they are about the people responsible for causing the harm.

Victims of sexual abuse can file a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation. While a prosecutor decides whether to bring criminal charges, a civil claim allows a sexual abuse survivor to seek monetary compensation from the perpetrator of the crimes and, in many cases, their employer.

Survivors of sex abuse may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • The cost of therapy and psychological treatment
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship with a partner

How Long Do I Have to File a Sex Abuse Case?

California takes sex abuse cases seriously. Different statutes of limitations may apply depending on the specific nature of your situation. The statute of limitations is the law that sets the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit. An experienced sex abuse attorney can evaluate your situation, determine which statute of limitations applies, and help you seek justice after an incident of sexual abuse.

How Can a California Sex Assault Lawyer Help?

The court system can be confusing and intimidating. An experienced California sex abuse attorney can answer your questions, help you evaluate your options, and assist you in navigating the court process.

If you or someone you love is a sex abuse survivor, contact Resolute Trials today to schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your situation and how Attorney Swanson can help.